VHM40 Vertical Honing Machine is useful for honing holes of automobile cylinder (motorcycle, tractor etc). Its base plate is used to position the motorcycle cylinder that needs to be honed. This system can handle motorcycle cylinder with maximum 72 mm dimension and up to 160 mm depth (approx). It can maintain specific feeding speed and rotational speed of spindle. Standard of VHM40 Vertical Honing Machine has been checked as per its service life, dimension, longevity, design precision, operating speed and production capacity.
Equipped with single or dual spindle ( maximum 500 rpm speed), offered VHM40 Vertical Honing Machine can cover around 1.57 inches diameter of work pieces. Automatic operation of this machine saves labor cost, maximizes productivity and reduces project cost and duration as well. All its components and accessories are quality approved to reduce machine downtime and to improve output. VHM40 Vertical Honing Machine is driven by PLC controller of renowned brand of global recognition. Its error free operation improves its output.